Play Chrome Dino Game With Joystick

This project allows users to control the Google Chrome Dino game using a joystick connected through the ACROME SMD platform. The joystick is mapped to the jump and duck actions in the game. When the joystick is pushed up, the game character jumps (using the spacebar key), and when the joystick is pushed down, the character ducks (using the down arrow key).

About Tools and Materials:

SMD Red (Purchase Here)

SMD USB Gateway (Purchase Here)

Arduino Gateway Module (Purchase Here)

Joystick Module (Purchase Here)

Step 1: Hardware & Software Overview

Key Components:

  1. ACROME SMD The ACROME SMD platform acts as the communication hub, reading joystick inputs and transmitting them to control the game. It collects data from the joystick and processes it in real-time to translate movements into actions.

  2. Joystick Module The joystick is used to control the actions in the Dino game. Vertical movements (up and down) control the character’s ability to jump and duck, with the joystick acting as a physical input interface.

  3. GUI (Tkinter) The graphical user interface (GUI) provides real-time feedback to the user, showing the current state of the joystick and the action being performed (jump or duck). This ensures transparency in how the joystick movements are translated into game actions.

Project Key Features:

  1. Real-Time Joystick Control The joystick allows the user to control the Dino character’s movements. Moving the joystick up makes the Dino jump, while moving it down makes the Dino duck.

  2. Smooth Action Interpolation To make the joystick movements smoother and more responsive, interpolation is applied to the joystick values. This ensures the actions are triggered only when the joystick movement crosses a certain threshold.

  3. Key State Management The system ensures that the keys (spacebar for jumping, down arrow for ducking) are held down or released at the appropriate times based on the joystick input. This prevents unnecessary key presses and makes the actions more accurate.

  4. Graphical Feedback The GUI continuously displays the current X and Y values of the joystick and the action being performed, providing visual feedback for the user to monitor their input.

Step 2: Assemble

Getting Started

  1. Hardware Setup

Project Wiring Diagram

Step 3: Run & Test

  1. Joystick Input Monitoring: The system continuously reads the joystick's X and Y values. The Y-axis value is the primary input for controlling the jump and duck actions.

  2. Jump and Duck Actions: When the joystick is moved upward (beyond a threshold), the system simulates a key press of the spacebar to make the Dino jump. When moved downward, it presses the down arrow key to make the Dino duck.

  3. Key Release Management: When the joystick returns to its neutral position, the system releases any pressed keys (spacebar or down arrow) to reset the character’s action in the game.

  4. GUI Updates: The GUI continuously updates with the latest joystick values and the current action (jump, duck, or none), giving the user real-time feedback on their input and the corresponding actions in the game.

import pyautogui
import tkinter as tk
import serial
from import Master, Red
from threading import Thread
import time
from import comports
from platform import system

# Serial Communication Settings
baudrate = 115200           # Baud rate for communication
module_id = 0               # ID of the SMD module
joystick_module_id = 5      # ID of the joystick module

# Joystick Thresholds
threshold = 0.10            # Minimum movement threshold for joystick activation
max_val = 100               # Maximum joystick value for normalization

# Dictionary to track key states
keys_state = {
    'space': False,         # Space key (jump action)
    'down': False           # Down arrow key (duck action)

def USB_Port():
    Scans and identifies a compatible USB port for the current operating system.

        str: The detected USB port or None if no suitable port is found.
    ports = list(comports())

    usb_names = {
        "Windows": ["USB Serial Port"],
        "Linux": ["/dev/ttyUSB"],
        "Darwin": [
            "/dev/tty.usbserial", "/dev/tty.usbmodem",
            "/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART", "/dev/tty.wchusbserial",
            "/dev/cu.usbserial", "/dev/cu.usbmodem",
            "/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART", "/dev/cu.wchusbserial",

    os_name = system()
    print(f"Operating System: {os_name}")

    if ports:
        for port in ports:
            if any(name in port.device or name in port.description for name in usb_names.get(os_name, [])):
                print(f"USB device detected on port: {port.device}")
                return port.device
        print("No suitable USB device found. Available ports:")
        for port in ports:
            print(f"Port: {port.device}, Description: {port.description}, HWID: {port.hwid}")
        print("No ports detected!")
    return None

# Initialize the USB port and SMD module
SerialPort = USB_Port()
if not SerialPort:
    raise Exception("No compatible USB port found. Please check your connection.")

master = Master(SerialPort, baudrate)
print("Connected Modules:", master.scan_modules(module_id))

# GUI Setup
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Dino Game Controller")

# GUI Labels
joystick_label = tk.Label(root, text="Joystick State: (0, 0)", font=("Helvetica", 14))

action_label = tk.Label(root, text="Action: None", font=("Helvetica", 14))

def update_gui(x_val, y_val, action):
    Updates the GUI to display the current joystick state and action.

        x_val (float): The current x-axis value of the joystick.
        y_val (float): The current y-axis value of the joystick.
        action (str): The current action being performed (e.g., "Jump", "Duck", "None").
    joystick_label.config(text=f"Joystick State: ({x_val:.2f}, {y_val:.2f})")
    action_label.config(text=f"Action: {action}")

def interpolate_value(value):
    Normalizes joystick values and smooths movement.

        value (float): The joystick input value.

        float: The interpolated value with smooth acceleration effect.
    return (value / max_val) ** 2 * (1 if value > 0 else -1)

def joystick_control():
    Continuously reads joystick data and translates movements into key presses.

    - Moves up (jump) when pushing joystick forward (Y > threshold).
    - Moves down (duck) when pulling joystick backward (Y < -threshold).
    - Releases keys when joystick is neutral.
    action = "None"

    while True:
        joystick = master.get_joystick(module_id, joystick_module_id)

        if joystick is not None:
            x_val, y_val = joystick[0], joystick[1]
            y_val_smooth = interpolate_value(y_val)

            if abs(y_val_smooth) > threshold:
                # Jump (Up movement - Space key)
                if y_val_smooth > threshold:
                    if not keys_state['space']:
                        keys_state['space'] = True
                        action = "Jump"
                        update_gui(x_val, y_val, action)
                # Duck (Down movement - Down arrow key)
                elif y_val_smooth < -threshold:
                    if not keys_state['down']:
                        keys_state['down'] = True
                        action = "Duck"
                        update_gui(x_val, y_val, action)
                # Release keys if joystick is in neutral position
                if keys_state['space']:
                    keys_state['space'] = False
                    action = "None"
                if keys_state['down']:
                    keys_state['down'] = False
                    action = "None"

            # Update GUI
            update_gui(x_val, y_val, action)

        # Short delay to prevent excessive loop execution

# Start Joystick Control Thread
joystick_thread = Thread(target=joystick_control, daemon=True)

# Start GUI Main Loop

Conclusion: This project demonstrates how the ACROME SMD platform can be used to create a joystick-controlled system for playing the Dino game. By integrating real-time joystick input, smooth interpolation, and graphical feedback, the system offers a fun and interactive way to control the game.

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