Snake Game With Joystick
This code integrates a joystick with a simple Snake Game using the pygame library. It also utilizes the ACROME SMD platform to receive joystick inputs and provide feedback, like turning on a buzzer when food is consumed.
About Tools and Materials:
SMD USB Gateway (Purchase Here)
Joystick Module (Purchase Here)
Step 1: Hardware & Software Overview
Key Component:
Buzzer Module Every time the snake eats the food Buzzer Module makes a sound.
Joystick Module Handles snake movement.
pygame Handles the graphics and user interface for the snake game. It displays the snake, food, score, and manages input events.
ACROME SMD Communicates with the joystick and handles joystick input as well as buzzer feedback.
Project Key Features:
Joystick Input: The joystick connected via the ACROME SMD platform is used to control the snake's direction. The snake moves left, right, up, or down based on the joystick's X and Y-axis values. A button on the joystick can be used to pause and resume the game.
Start and Game Over Menus: The game starts with a simple menu where you can choose to start the game or quit. If the game ends (snake hits a wall or itself), a game over menu is displayed, with options to retry or quit.
Game Logic: The snake grows when it eats food, and the length is increased. The snake's movement speed is fixed but can be controlled by the joystick. A buzzer sound is triggered when the snake eats the food.
Pause Functionality: A button on the joystick allows pausing and resuming the game.
Step 2: Assemble
Getting Started
Hardware Setup
Connect the SMD to the PC or Arduino board using USB Gateway Module.
Connect the Buzzer Module and the Joystick Module to the SMD using an RJ-45 cable.
Make sure that the SMD is powered and all connections are correct
Project Wiring Diagram
Step 3: Run & Test
Start Menu: When the program is run, the start menu is displayed. The user can click on "Start" to begin the game or "Quit" to exit.
Snake Movement: During the game, the joystick's position controls the snake's movement. Moving the joystick in any direction updates the snake’s position.
Eating Food: When the snake's head collides with the food, the snake grows, and a buzzer sound is triggered.
Game Over: The game ends when the snake hits the boundaries or itself. A "Game Over" menu is displayed with options to retry or quit.
Pausing the Game: The game can be paused and resumed using the joystick's button
Conclusion: This is a fun and interactive way to use the ACROME SMD joystick to control the classic Snake game, providing a hardware-based gaming experience.
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